dimecres, 25 d’agost del 2010

Cxi (= near here), Antaux (= before, in front of)

Cxi tio. Tio cxi. This thing.
Cxi tie. Tie cxi. In this place. Here.
Cxi tiu. Tiu cxi. This one. This one here. "This here."
Cxi tiuj. These.
Cxi tia. Of this kind.
Cxi ties. This one's. Belonging to this.

La cxi-tiea kutimo. The custom of this place.

La antauxo - the front.
Antauxa - previous.
Antauxas - precedes.
La antauxlasta silabo. The penultimate syllable.

Antaux la domo staras arbo. In front of the house stands a tree.
Ne lauxdu la tagon antaux la vespero. Do not praise the day before the evening.
Kiu insulo estis la plej granda en la mondo antaux la eltrovo de Auxstralio?
Which island was the largest in the world before the discovery of Australia?
Profesoro staris antaux la fajro. Professor stood in front of the fire.
Li rigardis ovon, kiun li tenis en la mano. He looked at an egg, which he held in his hand.
En kaserolo sur la fajro estis lia posxhorlogxo. In a saucepan over the fire was his watch.

En la Esperanta alfabeto, "g" venas antaux "gx."
Tenu gxi antaux la nazo de la azeno. Hold it in front of the donkey's nose.
La sxangxo okazas antaux niaj okuloj. The change is taking place in front of our eyes.
Vintro venas antaux printempo. Winter comes before spring.
Atendu mi antaux la teatro. Await me in front of the theater.

Antauxpagas - prepays.
Auntauxjugxas - pre-judges.
autauxparolo - preface.
antauxvido - foresight.
antauxtempa - premature.

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